“Your success is my motivation.”

Paul-David Becker

Co-Founder & Managing Partner

“BSP. helped us get to the stage where we now enjoy lasting client satisfaction and superior sales results.”

Andreas Beinat

Member of the Executive Board

Avesco AG

“Those who want new answers must come up with new questions.”

Andreas Schmid

Co-Founder & Managing Partner

“Working with BSP. was brilliant: more emotion, better self-understanding and a clear focus on sales!”

Christian Moser

Country Sales Manager Switzerland, Baumer Group

Former Business Unit Manager, Actemium LeitTec AG

“Change is about renewal.”

Roberto R. Vogt

Managing Partner

“I really value BSP.’s expertise and drive.”

Daniela Hausheer

Member of the Executive Board / Head of Private and Corporate Clients

Zuger Kantonalbank

“Goals are anticipated results.”

Slavica Sovilj

Senior Consultant

“There are many concepts and magic formulas in the business of selling. BSP. does it differently and better – they are committed and in touch with the real world.”

Martin Jutzi

Former Head of KMU Pensions, Die Mobiliar

“If you don't change your mind, you will never change anything.”

Silvio Borsani

Senior Consultant

“Undoubtedly, BSP. is one of the best addresses.”

Renato Ramella

Head of Specialist Provision Switzerland

Zurich Insurance Company Ltd

“And you, what transformation would you like to take part in?”

Christophe Nicod

Senior Consultant

“BSP. got our client advisors into shape for successful sales discussions.”

Reto Heiz

Member of the Board of Directors, Cantonal Bank of Berne

Former Region Head for Private Clients, UBS Personal Banking

"Change of perspective broadens the horizon."

Philippe Nussbaum

Senior Consultant

“Thanks to BSP. we are professionalizing every single advisory meeting in a way that enhances long-lasting value.”

Thomas Meuli

Member of Executive Board

Regiobank Solothurn

“To build high you need strong foundations.”

Jana Aleman

Head of Back Office

“You know what you’re doing, and you can prove it.”

Jean Marc Schnider

Head of Sales Strategy, Groupe Mutuel

Former Head of Customer & Market division, CSS Insurance

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“Thanks to BSP. our doctoral students are also strong in leadership.”

Roland Siegel

Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry and Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

University of Zurich

“Working with BSP. is the ‘perfect match’.”

Sharam Shad

Sales Manager, Helvetia Versicherung Schweiz

Former Head of Sales DE – Ticino, MoneyPark AG